Complete Analysis of Astrology Birth Chart of Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate was born on December 1, 1986, in Washington, D.C.

He is a British-American business owner, kickboxing champion, and social media star.

In Andrew Tate Astrology birth chart the Moon is in the Scorpio sign, the Sun is in the Scorpio sign, and the Rising Sign/ Ascendants is Aquarius.

Tate got a lot of attention from the media for his controversial views on feminism, race, and mental health.

His views have been debated and criticized on many different platforms.

In this article, we will conduct a complete analysis of the astrology birth chart of Andrew Tate, a former kickboxing champion and controversial public figure.

Complete Analysis of Astrology Birth Chart of Andrew Tate
Complete Analysis of Astrology Birth Chart of Andrew Tate
(Credit: Google)

Andrew Tate Astrology Birth Chart

NameJeremy Strong
Birth Date :Monday, December 1, 1986
Birth Place :Washington (DC) (United States)
Birth Time3:40 PM (local time)
Moon SignMoon in Scorpio
Birth StarAnuradha
Ascendant/Rising SignAquarius
Sun SignSun in Scorpio
Chinese Astrology:Fire Tiger
Numerology:  1
Complete Analysis of Astrology Birth Chart of Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate Birth Chart

In Andrew Tate’s Astrology birth chart, the Moon is in the Scorpio sign, the Sun is in the Scorpio sign, Mars is in the Aquarius sign, Mercury is in the Libra sign, Venus is in the Libra sign, Jupiter is in the Aquarius sign, and Saturn is in the Scorpio sign.

Ketu is in the sign of Virgo, while Rahu is in the sign of Pisces. Uranus is in the sign Scorpio, Neptune is in the sign Sagittarius, and Pluto is in the sign Libra.

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Natal Chart Overview of Andrew Tate

Natal Chart analysis of the Astrology Birth Chart of Andrew Tate reveals a dynamic personality.

 His Sagittarius sun sign, Scorpio moon sign, and Aquarius ascendant sign combine to create a person who is adventurous, passionate, and strategic.

Drew Monson Astrology Birth Chart

The natal chart, also known as the birth chart, which is the map of the sky at a person’s time of birth.

It involves the placement of the sun, moon, planets, and other celestial bodies within the zodiac signs and their respective houses.

Astrologers can predict a person’s personality types, strengths, weaknesses, and probable life path by evaluating their natal chart.

Andrew Tate’s Sun Sign is Sagittarius,

  • Sagittarius features
Zodiac element         Fire
Zodiac qualityMutable
Sign rulerJupiter
Complete Analysis of Astrology Birth Chart of Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate’s sun sign is Sagittarius, which is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Sagittarius are known for their wisdom knowledge and discipline at work.

Sagittarius is known for being adventurous, optimistic, independent, and philosophical. They have a thirst for knowledge and tend to be idealistic and visionary.

Because he was born under the Capricorn sign, Andrew Tate had a lot of success.

Andrew Tate Rising Sign/ Ascendants is Aquarius.

The ascendant sign, also known as the rising sign, which represents a person’s outward personality. and the first impression that they make with others.

Andrew Tate’s ascendant sign is Aquarius, which is symbolized by the Water Bearer, Aquarius is also known for being intense, mysterious, and passionate at work.

They have a strong desire for power and control and can be a ruler of their own.

Great Human Being with Kind hearted man who always wanted to help other people grow in their lives.

They are responsible and work hard, and they often make progress because of their commitment and hard work.

Astrology Birth Chart of Andrew Tate

PlanetsSign DegreesPlacement
Ascendant23° 14‘ 49“
Sun15° 42‘ 32“
Friendly sign
Moon16° 27‘ 18“
Debilitated sign
Mercury25° 42‘ 22“
Friendly sign
Venus11° 57‘ 47“
Own sign
Mars10° 17‘ 10“
Neutral sign
Jupiter19° 18‘ 49“
Neutral sign
Saturn18° 18‘ 12“
Enemy sign
Rahu23° 34‘ 25“
Ketu23° 33‘ 25“
Uranus27° 15‘ 03“
Neptune11° 00‘ 41“
Pluto13° 59‘ 35“
Astrology Birth Chart of Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate Moon Sign is Scorpio

In a birth chart, the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio.

And the Moon is in the Star of Anuradha.

Andrew Tate’s moon sign is Scorpio, which is ruled by mars.

The moon sign represents a person’s emotional nature and inner self.  They have a strong need for attention and recognition and can be dramatic at times.

Scorpios are known for being creative, innocent, and helping to give, but

Scorpio is a sign that makes the Moon weak. The native actually enjoys living independently from his parents and older people because he is argumentative, genuine, and unhappy.

He is stubborn and bad, but he has a lot of money.

He is an ambitious, determined man due to his moon in Scorpio.

Analysis of Astrology Birth Chart of Andrew Tate- Planetary Positions

(Credit: Google)

Now that we have a general idea of Andrew Tate’s birth chart, let’s look more closely at the parts and placements that shape his personality and life path.

Sun Conjunct Mercury

Andrew Tate’s sun is close to Mercury, which shows that his intellect and ego are very connected.

This placement can make a person sure of their ideas and opinions and someone who likes to debate and talk about ideas.

Venus Square Uranus

Venus is in a square to Uranus in Andrew Tate’s chart.

This shows that his need for love and stability is at the chance of success with his need for freedom and independence.

Because of this, a person might be drawn to strange relationships and be afraid of making a commitment.

Mars Conjunct Pluto

Mars is right next to Pluto in Andrew Tate’s chart, which shows a strong and intense energy.

This placement can make a person ambitious, determined,  to succeed no matter what.

But it can also make people more likely to try to control and manipulate other people.

Jupiter Opposite Saturn

Andrew Tate’s Jupiter is opposite Saturn, which indicates a tension between his desire for expansion and growth.

This opposition will have an impact in his need for stability.

This aspect can result in a person who is ambitious and optimistic but struggles with self-doubt with a fear of failure.

Moon Square Venus

The moon’s square aspect to Venus implies a conflict between Andrew Tate’s emotional needs and relationship desires.

This characteristic can result in difficulty expressing feelings and building close relationships.

North Node in Aquarius

In Andrew Tate astrology North Node is in Aquarius indicating a potential life towards innovation and progression. 

This placement can result in a person who is forward-thinking,   and interested in social change.

Andrew Tate Net Worth 2023

Andrew Tates net worth in 2023, according to Forbes reports is $370 million.

Years      Net Worth
in 2023 $360 Million
in 2022 $325 Million
in 2021 $290 Million
in 2020$265 Million
in 2019                 $235 Million
in 2018$200 Million

What is the Moon Sign Of Andrew Tate?

Andrew Tate’s moon sign is Scorpio, which is ruled by mars.
The moon sign represents a person’s emotional nature and inner self.    They have a strong need for attention and recognition and can be dramatic at times.
Scorpios are known for being creative, innocent, and helping to give, but
Scorpio is a sign that makes the Moon weak. The native actually enjoys to live independently from his parents and older people because he is argumentative, genuine, and unhappy.

What is the Sun Sign Of Andrew Tate?

Andrew Tate’s sun sign is Sagittarius, which is ruled by the planet Jupiter.
Sagittarius are known for their wisdom knowledge and discipline at work.
Because he was born under the Capricorn sign, Andrew Tate had a lot of success in his carrier.

What is the Rising/Ascendant Sign Of Andrew Tate?

Andrew Tate’s ascendant sign is Aquarius, which   symbolized by the Water Bearer,
Aquarius is also known for being intense, mysterious and passionate at work.
They are responsible and work hard, and they often make progress because of their commitment and hard work

Andrew Tate Chinese zodiac?

Andrew tate Chinese Astrology is Fire, Tiger.

What is Andrew Tates net worth?

Andrew Tates net worth in 2023
$370 million


After completely analyzing the Astrology Birth Chart of Andrew Tate and evaluating the importance of each planet in the natal chart, Andrew Tate was found to be full of energy, daring, self-assurance, enthusiasm, and passion.

While astrology cannot predict the future, it can reveal a person’s personality, talents, and flaws.

Like with any instrument, it is vital to approach astrology with a and open mind and to use it for self-reflection and understanding the situation.

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