Toilet Seat Direction as Per Vastu | Mahavastu Remedies

The location of bathrooms and toilets within the home is one of the most essential aspects of Vastu shastra principles. Bathrooms not only attract bad energy, but they also cause financial losses.

With a little mahavastu remedies and Astro chart changes, you can drive away bad energy.

Let’s Find the right direction for the toilet seat in Vastu with the Effects of the Toilet seat in various Direction and their MahaVastu toilet remedies.

Toilet Seat Direction as Per Vastu | Mahavastu Remedies
Toilet Seat Direction as Per Vastu

Toilet Seat Direction as Per Vastu

Zone or DirectionAttributeToilet/Bathroom
West of North–West (WNW) –Zone of Depression and Detox.The best location for Toilet & Bathroom as per Vastu
South of South–West (SSW) Zone of  Let Go and Disposal.The best location for Toilet & Bathroom as per Vastu
East of North East (ENE)-  Zone of  joy and pleasure.Only Bathroom as per vastu
East South East (ESE):Zone of Churning and Overthinking.Only Bathroom as per Vastu
Also, Read 32 Entrances in Vastu for a Prosperous Home | Vastu for Main Door Entrance

Toilet Direction As Per Vastu

The location of the bathroom and toilet should be placed in the West-NorthWest WNW zone or South-southwest SSW zone or direction of the house.

West of North–West (WNW) -Zone of Depression and Detox.

It is the Zone of Rodhan i.e. Stress and Depression. If we place the toilet in this zone body will detox and also helps in keeping away Stress and depression.


South of South–West (SSW) -Zone of  Let Go and Disposal.

The best zone for toilet and bathroom placement. Because  According to Vastu Shastra, this Zone eliminates everything ‘waste’ and unnecessary in the body.

This is the zone for letting go and disposal of bad energy, so it is considered as the best place for Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu.

East of North East (ENE)- Zone of joy and pleasure.

It controls your life’s enjoyment and pleasure. It is an excellent Zone for bathing and water activity only. Must avoid toilet in this zone.

According to Vastu for toilets in east-facing houses, East of North East (ENE) is the best direction.  

Because it activates the natural positive vastu energies within us, and thus the energies of this zone

make you feel more active after bathing.

However this East of North East (ENE) zone is only for choosing   bathing area only. Placing a toilet in this zone is absolutely prohibited.

Toilet Location As Per Vastu

 Door Placement

The bathroom’s front door should open towards the east or north side. Do not position the door towards the south or southwest. This is due to these directions are linked to negative energy flow, which can bring difficulties in health and money.

Vastu For Toilet Seat Facing

When you use the toilet seat, it should be placed such that you can face east or north.

This is due to that facing this direction increases good energy flow and improves overall well-being.

According to maha vastu gurus, the face of the toilet seat is not as important as the zone in which the toilet seat is located.

Color Scheme for toilets in vastu

The bathroom and toilet color combinations should be in bright and peaceful.

Dark or bright color should be avoided since they might produce a sensation of heaviness and discomfort.

Lighter colors encourage cleanliness and freshness, which is necessary in a bathroom and toilet.


A bathroom and toilet require enough ventilation.

Always arrange for sufficient ventilation to allow for fresh air and natural light.

This helps to keep the toilets fresh and clean.

Mirror Placement

Place the bathroom mirror on the north or east wall.

This is because these directions will promote good energy flow.

According to MahaVastu Gurus, mirrors act like extension objects, so place the mirror in the bathroom wisely,


Construct the bathroom and toilet should which have enough storage space.

This help in the arrangement and cleaning of the area. Avoid keeping unwanted materials as they produce negative energy in the toilet or bathroom.

Vastu For Toilet flooring or tiles.

According to Vastu, the bathroom and toilet should have marble or tile floors.

The toilet flooring Slope should face east or north.

This water is supposed to carry pollutants, bad emotions, and negative ideas.

Avoid dark tiles for flooring.

Common Vastu Defects in Toilets and Bathrooms

We can create a happy and healthy environment in the toilets and bathrooms by following basic Vastu rules.

Even though, there are several common vastu defects that can result in bad energy and health issues.

Toilet or bathroom are placed in the wrong direction or zone.

Toilet seat facing in the incorrect direction or corner of the home.  

Drainage or plumbing issues leading to water stagnation or leakage

Poor ventilation or lighting leading to darkness and low inflow of air.

Vastu Remedies for Toilets and Bathrooms

If you have any   Vastu defects in your toilets and bathrooms, there are several remedies to follow and to correct them.

Place a Vastu pyramid in the toilet or bathroom to balance the energies.

Hang mirrors on the walls to reflect the negative energies outside.

Place a bowl of salt or camphor in the bathroom to absorb negative energies.

Always Keep the bathroom clean and clutter-free.

Vastu Remedies For TOILETS

Vastu Remedies For Toilet Seat Facing

Toilet seat facing in direction/ZoneVastu Remedies For Toilet Seat
North directionPlace blue colored tape around the toilet seat for 4 side. Aluminum strips can be used to block the toilet
North-East directionNo Remedies, the toilet has to be demolished
East directionPlace Green colored tape around the toilet seat for 4 sides. Stainless steel strips can be used to block the toilet
South directionPlace a red colored tape around the toilet seat for 4 sides. Copper strips can be used to block the toilet
Southwest directionPlace a yellow-colored tape around the toilet seat for 4 sides. Brass strips can be used to block the toilet
West directionPlace silver or white colored tape around the toilet seat for 4 sides. Iron strips can be used to block the toilet
Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

There are certain metal wires which can be used to treat incorrectly placed toilets.

The worst direction of the toilet seat in Vastu.

North, Northeast, and Southwest are considered as worst directions for toilets as per vastu.

North toilets lead to health problems like neurological problems and loss of business.

South toilets lead to PITHRA DOSH and related problems.  

NorthEast toilets lead to a loss of ideas wisdom and wealth. Health problems like head tumor accidents and blood clots in the brain.(From mahavastu Gurus)

How is Vastu dosh corrected in toilets?- MahaVastu toilet remedies

Vastu Zone or DirectionEffects Of Toilet Seat In Vastu direction or Problems with Incorrect position of Toilet seat and BathroomVastu Remedies For Toilet Seat direction
North (N): 
Loss  of money and   opportunities Place a blue colored paint strip or adhesive tape around the toilet seat for 4 side. Aluminum strips can be used to block the toilet. Blue colours for walls and interiors. Blue color blub. Blue color flowers.
 North North East (NNE):

Loss of health and immunity. Loss of health 100% Stricktly Prohibited. Blue colours for walls and interiors. Blue color blub. Blue color flowers.
North East (NE):   Eshaan Kone-   Zone of wealth, health and success. 100% Strictly Prohibited
East North East (ENE): 
Loss of fun and joy. Place blue/Green colored paint strip or adhesive tape around the toilet seat for 4 sides. Stainless steel strips can be used to block the toilet. Green colors for walls and interiors. Green color blub. Green color flowers.
 East (E): 
Loss of Networking and socializing.  Inactive and boring. Place Green colored paint strip or adhesive tape around the toilet seat for 4 sides. Stainless steel strips can be used to block the toilet. Green colors for walls and interiors. Green color blub. Green color flowers.
 East South East (ESE):  Loss of  Churning and analysis. Place Green colored paint strip or adhesive tape around the toilet seat for 4 sides. Stainless steel strips can be used to block the toilet. Green colours for walls and interiors. Green color blub. Green color flowers.
South East (SE): Loss of  liquidity of Cash. Money block Health issues for women.Place red colored paint strip or adhesive tape around the toilet seat for 4 sides. Copper strips can be used to block the toilet. Pink or red colors for walls and interiors. Red color blub. Red color flowers.
 South South East (SSE):

Loss of Confidence and Strength. Place  a red  colored paint strip or adhesive tape around the toilet seat for 4 sides. Copper strips can be used to block the toilet. Pink or red colours for walls and interiors. Red color blub. Red color flowers.
South (S): 

Loss of Fame and Relaxation.Place a colored paint strip or adhesive tape around the toilet seat for 4 side. Copper strips can be used to block the toilet. Pink or red colours for walls and interiors. Red color blub. Red color flowers.
South South West (SSW)The zone of Disposal.  The best direction for Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu Yellow colors for walls and interiors. Yellow color blub. Yellow color flowers.
South West (SW):
Loss of Relationships. Pitru doshPlace a yellow colored paint strip or adhesive tape around the toilet seat for 4 side. Brass strips can be used to block the toilet. Yellow  colours for walls and interiors. Yellow  color blub. Yellow  color flowers.
 West South West (WSW)
Loss of money Savings, lack of Studies and Excellence. Bd effects of Saturn. Money blockPlace  a silver or white colored paint strip or adhesive tape aroundthe toilet seat for 4 side. Iron strips can be used to block the toilet. White/Silver colours for walls and interiors. White color blub. White/Silver color flowers.
 West (W): 
No  Profits   and Gains. The decline in growth in lifePlace a silver or white colored paint strip or adhesive tape around the toilet seat for 4 sides. Iron strips can be used to block the toilet. White/Silver colours for walls and interiors. White/silver color blub. White/Silver color flowers.
West North West (WNW)The best direction for Toilet Seat Direction As Per VastuWhite/Silver colors for walls and interiors. White/silver color blub. White/Silver color flowers.
 North West (NW): Loss of bank support. No money recovery. Health problems for menPlace  a blue colored paint strip or adhesive tape around the toilet seat for 4 sides. Aluminum strips can be used to block the toilet—blue colors for walls and interiors. Blue color blub—blue color flowers.
North North West (NNW):
Loss of attraction and creativity. No interest in doing work.Place  a blue colored paint strip or adhesive tape around the toilet seat for 4 side. Stainless steel strips can be used to block the toilet. Blue/Silver/White colours for walls and interiors. Blue/White color blub. Blue/White color flowers.

Toilet Vastu Remedies in 16 Zones

According to Vastu principles, if the toilet seat is placed in the wrong direction, it will disrupt your complete home’s positive fields..

Let’s discuss the Vastu remedies for 16 Vastu zones

Vastu Remedies For Toilet In East Direction

East (E)– East Zone

MetalStainless steel
Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

Loss of enjoyment and pleasure and social connectivity if toilets are placed in this zone.

Place a blue colored paint strip or adhesive tape around the toilet seat for 4 sides.

Stainless steel strips can be used to block the toilet—blue colors for walls and interiors. Blue color blub—blue color flowers.

Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu
Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

Vastu Remedies For Toilet In North Direction

North (N)


Zone of Opportunities and Money.

Loss of Money and New Opportunities to earn money. So toilets in this direction are strictly prohibited.

Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu
Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

Vastu Remedies For Toilet In South Direction

South (S)


Loss of Fame, Recognition, and Social Reputation if the toilet is placed in this zone.

Place a colored paint strip or adhesive tape around the toilet seat for 4 sides. Copper strips can be used to block the toilet.

Pink or red colours for walls and interiors. Red color blub. Red color flowers.

Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu
Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

South West Toilet Vastu Remedies

South–West (SW)Zone of Skills and Relationship

Loss of Capabilities, problems in Marriage, Family Harmony, Bonding, and Life Stability, if toilets are placed in the SouthWest direction.


Place a yellow-colored paint strip or adhesive tape around the toilet seat for 4 sides.

Brass strips can be used to block the toilet.

Yellow colors for walls and interiors. Place Yellow color blub and Yellow color flowers.

south west toilet vastu remedies
Southwest Toilet Vastu Remedies

Vastu Remedies For Toilet In West Direction

West (W)


Loss of Profits and Gain. loss of money savings.No improvements in child education if toilets are placed in the west direction

Place a silver or white colored paint strip or adhesive tape around the toilet seat for 4 sides. Iron strips can be used to block the toilet.

White/Silver colours for walls and interiors. Place White/silver color blub and White/Silver color flowers.

Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu
Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

How can I remove Vastu dosh of the Northeast Toilet?

North East (NE) or  Eshaan Kone is the Zone of Wealth, Health, And Success.  So Toilets and bathrooms are 100% Strictly Prohibited in the NorthEast direction.

Few Vastu Tips To Enhance Bathroom Interiors

Avoid placing the toilet seat facing the door.

Use light colors like blue, green or white to enhance the bathroom interiors.

the bathroom should be well-ventilated and has with natural light.

Hang mirrors on the east or north wall of the bathroom.

Avoid using dark or heavy curtains in the bathroom.

Keep the bathroom clutter-free and organized to maintain positive energy.

Place indoor plants like bamboo or aloe vera in the bathroom to purify the air.

Avoid using broken or leaky tapes as they can create negative energy.

Keep the bathroom clean and hygienic to ensure a positive and healthy environment.

Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu should be placed in the West-NorthWest WNW zone or South-southwest SSW zone or direction of the house.

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