Tarot Cards Meaning List: Discover the Hidden Messages Behind the Cards

For ages, people have utilized tarot cards as a method of divination, spiritual direction, and introspection.

Each card has a distinct significance, and when they are put together to make a reading, they form a story that can explain our history, present, and future.

In this blog, we will discuss the Tarot Cards Meaning List and its significance.

Tarot Cards Meaning List
Tarot Cards Meaning List

Understanding the Meaning of Tarot Cards

Tarot cards provide the knowledge and information by which we can better understand ourselves and our lives.

Each card’s meaning is defined by its own images and symbols on the card.

Here are some of the most common tarot cards and their meanings list.

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Introduction to Tarot Cards

Tarot Cards Meaning List
Tarot Cards Meaning List

Tarot cards are a blend of 78 cards which are divided into two main categories:

  • The Major Arcana and
  • The Minor Arcana.

The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards and represent archetypal images and symbols.

The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards and they are divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles.

Each suit represents a different aspect of life, such as creativity, emotions, thoughts, and material possessions.

Major Arcana:

0 – The Fool: Beginnings, spontaneity, risk-taking

1 – The Magician: Skill, confidence, manifestation

2 – The High Priestess: Intuition, mystery, hidden knowledge

3 – The Empress: Abundance, nurturing, creativity

4 – The Emperor: Authority, structure, stability

5 – The Hierophant: Tradition, spirituality, community

6 – The Lovers: Love, partnership, choice

7 – The Chariot: Control, determination, victory

8 – Strength: Courage, inner strength, compassion

9 – The Hermit: Solitude, introspection, guidance

10 – Wheel of Fortune: Change, destiny, cycles

11 – Justice: Balance, fairness, decision-making

12 – The Hanged Man: Surrender, sacrifice, perspective

13 – Death: Transformation, endings, renewal

14 – Temperance: Balance, harmony, moderation

15 – The Devil: Temptation, materialism, bondage

16 – The Tower: Chaos, upheaval, awakening

17 – The Star: Hope, inspiration, guidance

18 – The Moon: Illusion, intuition, subconscious

19 – The Sun: Vitality, positivity, success

20 – Judgement: Rebirth, renewal, accountability

21 – The World: Completion, wholeness, accomplishment

Minor Arcana:


Ace: Inspiration, opportunity, creativity

2: Planning, preparation, and balance

3: Action, progress, growth

4: Celebration, joy, community

5: Struggle, adversity, perseverance

6: Success, achievement, recognition

7: Challenge, competition, determination

8: Movement, travel, exploration

9: Courage, passion, confidence

10: Fulfillment, completion, abundance


Ace: Love, emotional connection, new relationships

2: Partnership, harmony, balance

3: Celebration, socializing, creativity

4: Reflection, contemplation, self-awareness

5: Loss, disappointment, heartbreak

6: Nostalgia, reminiscence, memories

7: Fantasy, imagination, choices

8: Emotional stability, security, contentment

9: Satisfaction, gratitude, emotional fulfillment

10: Happiness, joy, emotional bliss


Ace: Mental clarity, insight, breakthroughs

2: Decision-making, choices, duality

3: Conflict, tension, difficulty

4: Rest, respite, rejuvenation

5: Loss, defeat, betrayal

6: Transition, moving on, recovery

7: Deception, betrayal, feeling trapped

8: Discipline, control, restriction

9: Anxiety, fear, worry

10: Defeat, failure, loss


Ace: Material gain, new beginnings, potential

2: Planning, organization, focus

3: Hard work, perseverance, growth

4: Security, stability, protection

5: Loss, financial instability, insecurity

6: Generosity, giving, sharing

7: Investment, assessment, evaluation

8: Abundance, prosperity, growth

9: Fruition, accomplishment, fulfillment

10: Wealth, affluence, legacy

Info Source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarot


We have given Tarot Cards Meaning List. We can discover numerous things about ourselves from the knowledge revealed in the tarot cards.

We can get clarity and come to better judgments by knowing the meanings of cards. 

 Despite the numerous myths that follow tarot cards, it’s important to only utilize them as a self-improvement and awareness tool only.

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